December 18, 2017

Welcome back! Motivational Monday messages coming your way! I am dedicating this blog to all the powerful, hard-working ladies around the world!!! This blog is going to give you a sneak peek into my fitness lifestyle & workout life with 3 purposes in mind.

  1. I want to show you the magnitude that fitness has made in my life. In doing so, you’ll see my why.
  2. Unravel the power of your mind & the power of consistency.
  3. Have fun & encourage you all to fall in love with the process!

Fitness means different things for different folks, but I am going to challenge you to forget everything you thought you learned about all that militarized “You must workout 6x a week type shit.” Uncondition your mind and start this process from a state of self acceptance. Set realistic goals, but also have fun. This process should not be dreadful or intimidating, it should be an adventure. We live in a state of competition, but I’m here to tell you , the only person you should be in competition with is yourself. Love yourself, set goals, & be open to the fact that more often than not, you will experience setbacks. That’s okay mi gente. Maybe some of you will be inspired to be your own fitspiration. Everybody has their own story, but I’m going to give it to you from my latin, radical, and unorthodox perspective. You’re going to discover my fitness lifestyle from my personal lenses. In doing so, you’ll see WHY I workout and do everything I do. Find that fire inside your heart and light it up!!!

Why do I workout?!

So many different thoughts come to my mind when I think of the magnitude of this particular question. Why do I do what I do? For starters, I want to break societal barriers and encourage thick, full-bodied women that you don’t have to look like perfection to play the role of a fitness advocate. I don’t workout with the goal of achieving perfection, like so many of us do, but rather, I love the high and the feeling it gives me when I’m working out. The adrenaline rush, the endorphins that are released, & the ability to be able to push yourself past your own limits. Those benefits are everything to me. That feeling gives me life! Energy serves as my anchor to continue chasing my goals; energy also starts my day right. Overall, working out just improves my mood and makes me feel accomplished. However, that feeling is not something that lasts entirely; Matter of fact, it may even be temporary. There are days where I get up and I do not want to go to the gym or even get my ass out of bed. That my friends, is where consistency comes into play.

Power of Consistency and the Mind

Have you ever heard the amazing philosophy, Law of Attraction? Law of attraction is the belief that our thoughts will become reality by the outcome of our actions. It is as simple as manifesting your goals and chasing them with every ounce of your being. The belief that your thoughts translate into ideas, your ideas translate into doable objectives, & those aspirations manifest into successful outcomes. If you want something, you’re going to have to fight for it. Energy that we manifest into the universe matters, therefore, we want to make sure that we are exhibiting positive energy! Positive vibes only!

I desired to channel that energy towards my health. Initially, I was on a journey to discovering myself and in doing so, I went into fitness for the wrong reasons. Two years ago, I subconsciously understood that if I wanted to be healthy, I had to look a certain type of way. Contrary to popular belief, I am telling you that working out does not mean you have to fit into these unrealistic body types that you see all over Instagram and other social platforms. Consistency was the goal I strived for, but I attained this goal by falling head over heels in love with the process. If I’m being perfectly honest, consistency is still something that I struggle with. However, law of attraction and leaps of faith allow me to live a life style of consistency through the power of the mind. Working out makes me feel undefeatable! However, there are still challenges that arise from being an unorthodox body type in this field.

TODAY, I am still fighting for love and self acceptance I have to stop beating myself up for personal setbacks. Gordita’s Way movement holds me accountable on a daily basis by putting an end to body shaming once and for all and decolonizing our owns minds when we are overly critical. It’s very true when they say we are our worst critics. Stop those thoughts when they come near and ignite that powerful, undefeatable goddess inside you.

Falling in LOVE with the process

You might read this and say, girl, that’s great and all, but I genuinely hate the gym. I am going to be bold enough to say that if the gym does not make you happy, don’t go. If there is one single lesson I want you ladies to learn, it’s this, find out what makes you happy and what works for you. Choose happiness. You may hate weight training but love dancing. You might hate running but love cycling. Ladies, you may strongly dislike yoga but love zumba! You may have absolutely no idea how to get moving and where to start. I’m here to tell you, that’s perfect. There has to be a desire and a bigger purpose. You as an individual have a responsibility to find your passion and live your truth. My passion lies in destroying a diet culture that has negatively affected so many women across the board. I want to be an advocate of change & inspire women to challenge a narrow-minded fitness culture. I want my curvy, thick, latinx women to make a stand and be bold. We are in this moment together! As for me and my household, we workout!!!