I Fall Down, But I Get Back Up!


January 1, 2018

Set Realistic Goals!

¡Oye mi gente! You do not need a new year to slay those goals! Get that dream body, eat that cake, take that pole dancing class, tell someone you love them, and chase your dreams relentlessly. 2017 was a year to remember. It was in 2017 that I had my epiphany and vision for the Gordita’s Way movement. In doing so, I had to put in mad work. I’m going to let you all in on a little secret, I do not LOVE to write. I do love to empower, challenge, & rebel in a society that does not embrace and accept all bodies, especially in the fitness realm. Blogging was a form of capturing my voice and personal experiences as a body positivity activist I want to encourage my ladies to embrace every aspect of themselves, and in that self-acceptance & love, you will find sincere change, not necessarily from an outward appearance, but from an inward, spiritual origin.

Start small. Any extreme forceful changes, i.e., (juicing and skipping meals) will only result in temporary, even unhealthy solutions. If your goal is to eat healthier, start introducing salads and/or veggies with each meal. Even small healthy snacks in between (yogurt, veggies and hummus, cottage cheese and fruit, whatever your body tells you you need) will help you adapt that healthy lifestyle. When you do anything for 30 days, it can become a habit and healthy lifestyle.

Did you fall off the bandwagon this holiday season? Have you been craving more cookies and sugar? It’s all good mi gente. LIVE YOUR LIFE UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Stop beating yourselves up. You can always hit the reset button. The whole theme of this week’s movement is, “When you fall down, you get back up.” I gained 7 lbs this holiday season and guess what, who cares! You’re still going to catch me at the gym, pulling through this health and wellness lifestyle even in the struggle. It is in our struggles that we persevere. We do not need a new year to create change, health, and happy ways of living.

Leap into the Unknown, or maybe, the Known

Leap into the Unknown, or maybe, the Known

As humans, we become acclimated to living a comfortable, stable, and unfulfilling life. It’s as if society equips us to become robotic workaholics who forget the inner child that ignites our souls. Well mi gente, te voy a decir algo, LIVE YOUR TRUTH AND FIND THAT INNER CHILD!

“‘Finding yourself’” is not really how it works. You aren’t a ten-dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. ‘Finding yourself’ is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you. “ –Emily McDowell

Take chances, pursue something that scares the crap out of you. Or maybe dig into something that feels familiar, a hobby you once had as a child but never continued. Dream so big, that it frightens those around you. The sky is not the limit when you put your greatest efforts into yourself. Nobody will take care of you like you do, so I leave you with this, set realistic goals, & slay them. Promote self care & self love!

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Once you awaken the inner child that has begged to be released from your body and soul, something quite majestic can occur. Pursuing your dreams requires consistency and work; but when work becomes stressful and overwhelming, it is no longer fun. So I tell you this, make sure you are having fun in the process. Stay in tune with your creativity and listen to that inner voice. When you listen to that voice, you should be having fun in the process.

Lastly, Be thankful!

Take the good with the bad. This year had as many ups as it did downs! 2017 took all the dogs– my baby Carmela, and my titi’s dog of 15+ years, Baby Girl. Remember that when life gives you a reason to mourn, give life 1,000 reasons to smile. Take advantage of every opportunity and hold onto the everlasting memories of your loved ones. Health and wellness is so much more powerful than just eating right and working out. Don’t forget to practice and explore other forms of self-care.I had the privilege to spend the last moments of 2017 in Minneapolis with my soul sister CJ! We let loose and had an amazing night. Surround yourself with people who keep your spirits high, challenge you as a person, & want to see you win. In 2018, I will continue destroying diet culture, being a transparent body poz activist, demonstrating the Gordita’s Way movement, and showing love for my beautiful Latinx folks! Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo Mi Gente!