Broke B*tch Diet: Adulting 101

“I can’t Adult Today”

May 22, 2018

Feliz Lunes mi gente bella! The Gordita’s Way movement will be giving you some advice: Adulting on a budget 101, aka the Broke B*tch Diet! Last blog, Maldita Dieta challenged you to deconstruct the concept of diets and our relationship with food. It provided tips on lifestyle choices that can keep an individual happy and healthy rather than hungry and sad. Today, the movement is working on giving you a deeper perspective on being a struggling millennial trying to find that healthy balance in life without breaking the bank. The term “diet” has 2 meanings and can be used for both good and evil. Webster’s definition of diet can be broken down in two distinctive parts of speech:

Diets as a noun:

  1. Food or drink regularly provided or consumed.
  2. A regimen of eating and drinking sparingly as to reduce one’s weight.

Diets as a verb:

  1. To cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to the prescribed rules.

Do you see the commonalities within each subgroup? Restriction! Replace the word restriction with contradiction and be skeptical about everything the diet industry has ever sold you. So you’re wondering how is restriction a contradiction? Restricting one’s self of their desired food choices is ineffective; it results in unrealistic body expectations & temporary change. Due to the painstaking fact that temporary solutions don’t work, stop contemplating whether you should have that delicious piece of chocolate! Replace the word contemplation with moderation. Eat when you’re hungry and live your life with no regrets! Diet culture, social media, & other mainstream platforms have attempted to ruin the next generation of queens! No flat tummy teas, pills, butt injections, or temporary food regimens will solve any of our insecurities. They don’t work! Por favor, please don’t buy into the toxic diet industry.

Adulting 101: the Broke B*tch Diet!

Did anybody ever tell you that independence comes at a very high price? Do not take abuela’s arroz con pollo for granted. Please cherish every plate of yuca, congrí, & plátano selections that your familia makes! Working full time, pursuing your dreams, & maintaining a healthy weight can be a big challenge. However, when you’re on a budget & have to prepare your own meals, shit gets real! I’m no longer binge eating or depriving myself of my favorite foods. Rather, I’m trying to ration my meals so that I have enough for the rest of week. I don’t like to cook! So I will spend as little time in the kitchen as I possibly can. Everyone knows I’m a monster when I’m hangry; therefore, I’m no longer falling into the diet trap, but rather sharing my journey with you on the struggle bus! Here are some tips for young millennials trying to achieve that health & wellness work-life balance:

  1. Meal Prep (Cook fast, healthy meals)
  2. Don’t shop at Jewel (Unless you got that Jewel and Whole Foods Money)
  3. Enjoy the ride! Don’t deprive or restrict yourself!

Meal Prep!!!

Are you lazy like me and hate to cook for long periods of time? Do you lack creativity in the kitchen but would like some variety as well as consistency? I’m here to show you easy healthy meals you can cook! For starters, I chop and prepare my fruits and veggies the night before I go to work. That meal prepping in advance has saved me both time and money when it comes to my food choices. I am also less likely to cheat and eat the wrong foods when I stock up on fruits and veggies. Snacking on these food sources have also helped my hunger cravings.

Cook fast and healthy foods. Upon returning from Cuba & Mexico, I have made it my goal to grocery shop at least 1x a week and cook in my little kitchen. Some of the yummy meals I have thrown together have included:

  • turkey burgers with whole wheat buns, avocado, spinach, & tomatoes;
  • chicken, veggies, fruits;
  • sweet potatoes & greek salads.

Don’t skip breakfast. I try to prep twice a week with a four-day supply of meals. When you have 4 turkey burgers and you want them to last you 1 work week, it makes you appreciate what you got! I’m trying to save you money!

Don’t shop at Jewel

Unless you have that Jewel and Whole Foods money, I have yet to understand why people even shop there. The first week I went to Jewel, the prices of my delicious items were way more expensive than I anticipated. I was extremely sick upon my return from Cuba & had to stock up on medicine, so I spent about $85 on food & drugs that lasted me about 1.5 weeks. The food lasted because I know how to make it stretch! When I go to Aldi or Cermak Produce, I get double the amount of food for less money! Therefore, you will only catch me at Jewel buying my milk, eggs, & cafe con leche when there are sales! Cermak and Aldi is where I’ll be!

Cermak is amazing! This week, my eyes lit up like a child in Toys “R” Us when I saw that 2 giant packages of strawberries were $1.00 per pound. Definitely not the kind of price you find at Jewel. The disrespect! What have I been doing all my life? I stocked up on various fruits and veggies which would have cost me double the price at fancy “organic stores.” Chances are, when your fridge is colorful, you’re doing something right!

Enjoy the ride!

Compare prices. Try different super markets. Put every piece of food into your body with the intention of love. The intention of love itself can create an atmosphere of physical and spiritual beauty. Own what you got because because you have one body, and nobody can love it better than you! Be the greatest version of yourself, and that only starts from within. Continue to be kind to yourself while having fun in the process. Dabble in sales. Season your food. The disrespect of unseasoned pollo is just unbearable. The 80% diet 20% exercise concept is something I want you to forget. 80% balance, self love, & forgiveness. You are only allowed to be be hard on yourselves 20% of the time. In a diet culture that promotes toxicity and capitalizes off of our insecurities and unattainable goals, I am telling you to not be hard on yourselves. While that is impossible, channeling self love & acceptance 80% of the time is my challenge for y’all! Besos!