Con la Bomba, me Cure

AfriCaribe Bombazo: Photo Courtesy of Charlie Billups

October 15, 2018

Movement Mondays highlighting the importance of positive coping mechanisms through a dance I hold dear to my heart, Bomba! I hope you all enjoyed this mental health series and caught up on my most recent vulnerable post La Borracha: “My personality is not in this bottle” Gordita’s Way aims to motivate y’all through realness and authenticity. That’s only possible if I share the highs and lows with you. La Borracha shed light on my most recent alcohol-free journey and demonstrated how some Latinx folks cope with pain. In the past, I grabbed the whiskey to numb the pain and wallow in my feelings. Now, I grab my Bomba skirt and dance a yubá or my ultimate favorite, holandé! Today’s Gordita’s Way topic will focus on positive coping mechanisms through the art of Bomba & demonstrate how our African Ancestors used Bomba as political and spiritual expressions. Comment below ways that you like to positively cope with the stressors life gives.

How do you positively cope with pain? On a good day I dance, pray, practice yoga, travel, exercise, and/or write. I can’t say the same for bad days. We are a work in progress. Negative coping mechanisms are more impulsive and stem from an immediate reaction to an unpleasant situation. In those cases, self-sabotaging is very common. This is something I still struggle with. Prioritizing your mental health and practicing positive coping mechanisms requires more work than engaging in negative responses. I want you to find the key to YOUR genuine happiness and chase it with every fiber of your being. For me, that is dancing, writing, food, & travel!

Positive Coping mechanisms through dance

It’s no secret that Bomba is my first love. Bomba got me through some of the toughest moments of my life such as heartbreaks, failed relationships, death of close family members, stress from academia, anxiety, etc. Bomba was used as my fuel and source to relieve all pain and let it out on the dance floor. Dancing is my stress reliever, however, Bomba is a way of life! When everything else had failed, Bomba has always been there. For that, I am grateful. Recuerda, Bomba, Medicina para mi Alma demonstrated the significance of this artistry in my life. Bomba is not just an art, it’s a movement that carries the heart of our Puerto Rican people. When you hear the sound of the barriles, healing takes place. Do not underestimate the power of the drums! There is a communication that takes place between the lead drummer (primo) and the dancer. The dancer dictates the rhythm as Bomba cures the body and ignites the soul!

Me Cure, me cure, con la Bomba me cure.

Bomba is a historical and percussion driven dance that dates back to the 17th century. These Afro-Puerto Rican spiritual and political expressions were brought forth by our ancestors. Therefore, when we dance Bomba, we are giving respect to our elders who have paved the way toward our freedom. Today, Bomba is STILL used to fight against the colonial consequences of slavery. After the detrimental effects of Hurricane Maria, several Bomba groups in Puerto Rico use this music as a driving force to continue fighting for freedom. Although the United States did not help the beautiful island when our people needed the most assistance, Puerto Ricans got to work and started rebuilding. It was a cry for help and the United States did not respond to the cries of our people. More than 4,000 lives were lost. Let that sink in.

Today, we celebrate life and we fight through the rhythm of the drums. This week, I attended my first Bomplenazo in New York City. I literally cried when I saw the unity and respect that Puerto Rican communities have for their history, ancestors, and loved one’s. BOMBA is a coping mechanism that will continue to be the driving force of our people’s freedom. The fight continues and it is not over. Puerto Rico se levanta! What an amazing time NYC was. We were celebrating with Puerto Ricans from all over the place including East Coast, Midwest, and Puerto Rico¡Todos juntos celebrando nuestra cultura!

Roberto Cepeda:

Bomba changed my life and continues to mold me into the woman I am today. This past weekend, I had the honor and privilege of meeting a Bomba legend whose familia and lineage paved the way towards our freedom. Workshops were held by Roberto Cepeda & his wife Gloria Cepeda. Roberto is a pioneer, master folklorist and legend in the Bomba Community. Through his infinite wisdom and experience, the history of Bomba and influence of the African diaspora in the Caribbean was demonstrated through storytelling, musica and dance. He is so humble and sweet! The Cepeda family created a solid platform of hope in my heart & passion for continuing this tradition forever. My AfriCaribe family and I had an amazing dinner with the Cepedas as they said their last goodbyes. It was very clear that it was not a goodbye, but a “see you later.”

Roberto Cepeda! History!

AfriCaribe Bombazo: Photo Courtesy of Charlie Billups

AfriCaribe Bombazo: Photo Courtesy of Charlie Billups