Resilient Womyn Always Win

"And since we call came from a woman, got our name from a woman, and our game from a woman. I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it’s time to kill for our women. Time to heal our women, be real to our women. "-Tupac

March 19, 2019

The Universal Resilient Womyn is Unstoppable: Happy Womyn’s History month! The Gordita’s Way March madness series will be representing the resilience and power of the Universal womyn. There are so many powerful women who have paved the way historically and impacted nations globally. Fasten your seat belts, this topic is going to be a controversial ride as I give my respect to womyn who have been underrepresented, unaccredited, and frequently taken out of history all together. That, my friends, is a terrifying concept called epistemic violence.

Womyn are so powerful, passionate & unstoppable. What is our biggest flaw you may ask? I would say that the universal womyn’s utmost flaw is not knowing how powerful she truly is! Oftentimes, we do not give credit where it is due. As womyn, we do not always give ourselves enough credit for overcoming the challenges that life throws at us, and life throws us A LOT of challenges. We carry the weight of the world. We are too hard on ourselves and worry about things that we have no control over. My vision of the Gordita’s Way movement is to teach you ladies to be resilient in everything that you do. Trust in the universe and God’s timing that you will bear the fruit of all the hard work you’ve put in.

Some things to keep in mind: Do not stress about situations that you cannot control. Stop beating yourself up. Be kind to yourself in every aspect of your life. I know it’s easier said than done, but the more we say it to ourselves, the easier it becomes. Are you obsessed with timelines like I am?! I have to lose ‘x’ amount of pounds by this date?! There is no time to waste– I am going to a wedding in April; I have to fit into those jeans! It’s bikini season! You get my point! Word of advice queens, do not rush the process. Goals do not happen overnight and sometimes they don’t happen ‘when’ you want them to. You have to trust and respect the process. I have been eating healthy this whole month hoping to attain that beach body for Mexico next month. ¿Y sabes que? I need to respect the process and live my life unapologetically. Cellulite and all, this thickness will be displayed loud and proud in Mexico, representing power, resilience, & confidence.


Mi gente, I’m trying to break the norm & show my ladies that you do not have to look perfect to be a fitness advocate. I want to be real with you all in this journey because it is a lifestyle and I’d be lying if I say it was easy and there weren’t any bumps in the road. I’ve lost an excessive amount of weight, I’ve also gained and fluctuated in the process. One thing I never did was give up! Two years and some change later, my dreams about empowering womyn to embrace this body poz concept and find the power in their voice is becoming seemingly clear. My intent is not to make “body positivity” some kind of new religion, I just want it to become a concept we incorporate into our daily lives, and that’s why I want to talk about resilience.

Resilience screams, “I could have thrown in the towel, but I kept fighting!” Resilience recognizes but renounces fear. Resilience does not allow you to give up on your dreams. Resilience can be found within the depth of a womyn’s soul. Resilience is survival. Through fear, doubt, pain, & excessive stress over what we cannot control, resiliency replaces any thoughts of fear and doubt.

Resilience wins. You want something? You better get your butt up and go after it with everything you got. Light that fire. Be a woman who makes an imprint in the world. Pave the way towards excellence and do not allow history to silence you or take away your voice. A womyn is beautifully flawed and unstoppable. Take risks, get uncomfortable, set goals. Be transparent and open in the process. There is nothing more dangerous than a fearless womyn who knows what she wants and doesn’t let anything get in the way of her hopes and dreams. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Her voice holds Power!

There is power in your voice. Speak up. With your wisdom, empathy, & strength, you can move a mountain (disclaimer: don’t try this in nature). To all my single mothers, you are the real MVPs. Sisters, daughters, grandmothers, matriarchs! Where would we be if it was not for your strength, guidance, wisdom, and empathy? It is in the tears of a womyn where we find strength. It is in our pain that we create impeccable opportunities. It is in our pain and trials that we find resilience. As Gina Rodriguez says, “This award is so much more than myself. It represents a culture that wants to see themselves as heroes.” You, my queens, are sheroes & have the capacity to move mountains and pave the way politically, socially and as a result, historically. Stay tuned for more Womynly March Madness in the next blog.

SHEROES!!!! Mujeres Poderosas